Deadlines to Vote in the March Primary Election are approaching!The League of Women Voters of Texas provides information on new voting processes.
Vote by Mail
January 1st was the first day Texans could apply to vote by mail in the 2022 elections.
Voters who are over 65 or disabled and wish to vote by mail must apply every year. Voters who will be absent from the county during early voting and Election Day must apply for each election in which they want to vote by mail.
Voters must use the NEW Application for Ballot by Mail (ABBM) available at their County Election Office (Dallas County or Collin County) or from the Texas Secretary of State’s website votetexas.gov. Alternatively, voters may print the Vote by Mail application in English or Spanish. Applications must be received (not postmarked) at your County Election Office by the application deadline, which is February 18th for the Primary Election.
Who is eligible to vote by mail in Texas?
65 years or older
Sick or disabled
Out of the county during early voting and election day
In jail or Involuntary Civil Confinement but otherwise eligible to vote
NEW! Expecting to give birth within three weeks before or after election day.
It is important for voters to read the application carefully and to provide their contact information on the application..
NEW! Counties may contact voters if there is an issue with their application or ballot.
NEW! Look for a new vote by mail tracking system, which will be made available by the Texas Secretary of State.
Voter Registration
The last day to register to vote for the 2022 Texas Primaries is January 31st!
Voters may check if they registered to vote with their County Voter Registrar or at votetexas.gov “Am I Registered?”.
New! There is a new voter registration application that eligible Texans may print, fill out and turn in to their County Voter Registrar to register to vote.
New! Voters who are already registered to vote in Texas may update their voter registration online if they moved within the state or changed their name. The voter will need a Texas Driver's License or Personal Identification Card, their Social Security Number and Voter Registration Card VUID (Voter Unique Identifier) number. Voters may find their VUID number on their voter registration card, by calling their County Voter Registrar or at votetexas.gov “Am I Registered?” by inputting in their name, county and date of birth.
New! Texans who apply for a Texas Driver's License may apply to register to vote at the same time. When Texans update their driver's license online, they may update their voter registration at the same time.
Learn more and find voter education videos on the new voting processes at LWVTexas.org.