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Serving the people of Richardson and the RISD.   Empowering voters.   Defending Democracy.


Your Elected Officials



For years, the League of Women Voters of Richardson has produced a brochure containing contact information for elected officials at the local, county, state, and federal levels. This brochure, called the Guide to Elected Officials, is updated frequently.


A printable version of the latest contact information for your elected officials is available in our Guide to Elected Officials. Our Guide to Elected Officials can be printed on two 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheets of paper, or on two sides of a single piece of paper.


Click here to find out how to contact your Texas Senators and Representatives to make your voice heard.





Elected officials represent you in all levels of government. As a voter, you have the power to vote into (and out of) office all kinds of representatives, from City Council members to the President of the United States.


You and all of your neighbors in your precinct are represented by the same officials at all levels of government. However, friends who live just a few precincts away may be represented by other people.


In order to determine who your elected officials are, you need to look at the precinct and district numbers on your Texas voter registration certificate. Click here for an explanation of how to find and interpret those numbers. If you can't find your certificate, you can also find your registration information on your county Elections Department website (Dallas or Collin).

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Phone: (972) 470-0584 
LWV of Richardson
300 N Coit Rd, Suite 125
Richardson, TX 75080