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Serving the people of Richardson and the RISD.   Empowering voters.   Defending Democracy.

HomeVolunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Members of the League of Women Voters of Richardson can look forward to helping us with the work we do in the Richardson and RISD community.  Some of our volunteer opportunities include:

Voter Registration  Email:

  • Help at Voter Registration Events.
  • Register Voters at the new citizens’ Naturalization Ceremonies.
  • Become a Volunteer Deputy Registrar (VDR).

Voter Service  Email:

  • Voters Guides:  Help develop questions to ask candidates running for office for use in LWV Voters Guides.  Make follow-up calls, proofread materials, assist with translation, and help with distribution.
  • Candidate Forums:  Assist with the production of local candidate forums.

Program/Advocacy  Email:

  • Observer Corps:  Attend or view online City Council or Richardson Independent School District Board Meeting (both on Mondays evenings) as a nonpartisan observer and report back to the membership.
  • Education and Advocacy Committee member:  Work on the League's local advocacy positions.  Help organize educational member and/or public forums on an issue.
  • Advocacy and Lobbying:  As directed by the LWV President, use your persuasive skills; learn the legislative rules and processes for effective lobbying and advocacy.  Organize and attend LWVTX’s Lobby Day prior to the legislative session in Austin.
  • Action Alerts:  Monitor and respond to Action Alerts from the State and national League. 

Leadership  Email: 

  • Join the Board:  Learn leadership skills and expertise and help advance the mission of the League.
  • Chair a committee:  Share your knowledge of pressing issues facing the community that the League is working on. 

Fundraising  Email:

  • Annual Fundraising:  Help strategize and organize our efforts to raise funds to support the important mission of the League.

Technical Support  Email:  

  • Website:  Website maintenance. Upload current information, events, newsletters, archive.
  • Database:  Develop a database of partner organizations, media outlets, donors, membership.
  • Social Media:  Manage social media platforms using social media as an effective tool for communication and recruiting new members. 

Other  Email:

  • Newsletter:  Submit ideas and articles for the Voter, proofread, and take photographs at the events to be included in the Newsletter.
  • Graphics:  Use your graphic design expertise to create materials for the League.
To see a complete list of the job descriptions, click here.

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Phone: (972) 470-0584 
LWV of Richardson
300 N Coit Rd, Suite 125
Richardson, TX 75080